As we begin the second year of publication of AT EASE! Veterans Magazine, we continually have remarkable Veterans and Veteran organizations sharing their stories, and this is what this magazine was created for. One of our regular features, ‘Girls & Grit,’ is on hiatus this issue, but it will return in our Summer 2022 edition. 

Since our inception in 2020, we have had the privilege to have Shannon Robinson, our Head Writer and Assistant Editor, as an integral part of this publication. Her passion for Veterans and editing prowess have been invaluable to our team. Nevertheless, she is building her own dream and will be leaving Devil Doc Publishing & AT EASE! Veterans Magazine. We would like to wish her every success and happiness this life has to offer her! 

On a personal note, Shannon, thank you for the thousands of words you wrote telling our stories and the many hours of editing, and being our #1 cheerleader in the community! You will be missed, but you will always have a home at DDP & AT EASE! 

We are also proud to announce that staff writer, Eric Sowers, and our newest feature writer, Les Stevenson, have agreed to assist in editing duties for our future issues. In addition, we have a new staff writer, Eric McNail. He has been a feature writer for Veterans2Veteran Group since the Summer of 2021 and is looking forward to taking on more stories. And last, but certainly not least, we welcome Jennifer McNail! She is our newest sales representative and is an absolute delight to work with. If you would like to advertise with us, you can reach her at jennifer@devildocpublishing.com . The more advertisers we have, the more Veterans we can reach! 

Now, on a more serious note. In our current public court of opinion, there are some issues facing Veterans and our Active-Duty Military service members that may be considered political in nature. However, as a publication and publishing company, we believe that no matter how difficult or divisive these topics may be, we have a responsibility to hear these Veterans' voices, bringing uncensored, fact-based, informational and educational articles to our Veteran readership that allow each of us the freedom to decide for ourselves and to choose what we believe. 

We have also reached an incredible milestone: THANKS to you, our READERS, we have reached a readership of almost 12,000 in just our first year! 

This issue is jam packed, so hang on to your hats! 

It will ALWAYS be ALL about the Vets! 
