spring 2021
The youngest American serviceman to be killed in action in the Vietnam War was just 15 years old. Today, we remember the young life of Private First Class Dan Bullock, who died in the service of our country after lying about his age to be able to join the U.S. Marine Corps.
The alarm clock went off at 0300. Jonita was used to two transport flights a day, nurses were scarce and well, frankly, isn’t this what she signed up for? Throwing on her uniform, she made her way to the nurses’ kitchen to put on a pot of strong black coffee. After two cups, she was ready to start another day … another flight to the front lines in Korea. It was rainy and extremely windy on the airfield, but she was used to this too.
The alarm clock went off at 0300. Jonita was used to two transport flights a day, nurses were scarce and well, frankly, isn’t this what she signed up for? Throwing on her uniform, she made her way to the nurses’ kitchen to put on a pot of strong black coffee. After two cups, she was ready to start another day … another flight to the front lines in Korea. It was rainy and extremely windy on the airfield, but she was used to this too.