
Veterans2Veterans Group Ltd. was granted its federal tax-exemption status in November of 2017 although it had existed as a loosely organized local charity for a few months prior. The brain-child of Eric McNail, a veteran of Operation Iraqi Freedom, who served with the US Army’s 101st Airborne Division, Veterans2Veterans Group, or V2VG for short, was initially founded and staffed by only four active members: Eric McNail, Patrick Hazlet, Colin Smith, and Chuck Bradley.

Originally meant to serve only veterans of the armed forces, current and former, V2VG quickly adopted polices and bylaws to also serve First Responders, Caregivers, (of Disabled veterans and first responders) as well as qualifying Family Members of the same. The scope of aid increased, commensurate with their general treasury, from minor assistance with research and paperwork submission to tangible financial aid which includes assistance with everything from past-due utilities and rent, to emergency food and fuel, (home or vehicle) to clothing and personal hygiene items and more besides. As V2VG is staffed by volunteers, all donations or income to the charity go directly to their treasury for use toward their client base.


Although Veterans2Veterans Group was, and remains, a small New Hampshire-based charity, they are quick and eager to collaborate with other, larger agencies and groups in order to get their clients the help they need. This can range from financial and other temporal assistance to research and benefits aid as well. V2VG has no need or desire to take the credit for helping and will often stand aside and allow other, often national or other major agencies to run with a case, just as long as the client gets the help they need.

However, unlike the majority of other agencies V2VG often works with, they are able to move fast, very fast, in taking a case, verifying eligibility and need, and voting on various forms of assistance. Veterans2Veterans Group, due to its small, intimate board of directors (currently at 9 members and one alternate), is not often burdened by the red tape other organizations are; thus V2VG is, in many ways, described as a tactical charity.


Veterans2Veterans Group has aided people all over their home state of New Hampshire, but they have also assisted those in need, who qualify for their aid, as far west as California and south as Florida as well as many parts in between. V2VG’s motto is “Family Through Service,” and they strive to live by that code as often as possible and in as many ways as they can. Luckily, due to their very small size, they are able to keep things personal to a degree, and clients are not viewed as only a case number, but as real people with real problems who need help, not tomorrow or after the next meeting, but today, or even yesterday, as it were.


Ever-expanding in their reach and tangible aid capability, V2VG continues to seek ways to spread the word about Veteran Programs that are offered by multiple agencies, but which many in the veteran or caregiver community are not aware of. Likewise, they seek to increase and grow their Social Media presence so as to reach out to as many individuals as possible. Veterans2Veterans Group invites you to find them on Facebook, Instagram, or even YouTube and check them out. If you have any ideas on how they may grow or continue to evolve into an even more successful charity, please do not hesitate to reach out to them with your comments or ideas; they are greatly appreciated.


