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I am a Catholic Pastor, so this is a Catholic perspective, but also once upon a time my name was SGT. John W. Martin U.S.M.C. As a Priest I represent the teachings of the Catholic Church and also the Diocese of Ft. Worth therefore I cannot give you merely what my opinion is. Where I am heading with all of this, is pertaining to the question of how God would look upon our veterans? I have heard some in the church denounce war and those who have partaken in it. Some joined some were drafted and although many did have a choice, please recall the words from the Gospel of John Ch. 15:13 “No greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends”, for one’s friends, family or Country.

Certainly God detests War. It is an abomination, but as we veterans know there is an evil “out there” and there are some who would go to any length possible to destroy our Country, our Freedoms, and our way of life, or to simply cause us great harm. Many in the world or even our own Country metaphorically wear “Rose Colored Glasses” and do not see these realities. Maybe in some way that is alright. Can you imagine living in a Country where you are so free and do not have to worry about your safety because you have so many people who do that for you in order to keep you and yours safe? (Our Military and our Police.)

This being said, it is not only right to protect our Country Militarily (by joining the military or police), but it is a Moral obligation and responsibility. In the Catholic Church, there are documents that speak on the subject of Military duty and the responsibility of protecting life and freedom. One such source would be our Catechism of the Catholic Church which teaches us more about our Faith. We read in two paragraphs;

“Legitimate defense can be not only a right but a grave duty for one who is responsible for the lives of others. The defense of the common good requires that an unjust aggressor be rendered unable to cause harm. For this reason, those who legitimately hold authority also have the right to use arms to repel aggressors against the civil community entrusted to their responsibility” (Catechism 2265).

“Those who are sworn to serve their country in the armed forces are servants of the security and freedom of nations. If they carry out their duty honorably, they truly contribute to the common good of the nation and the maintenance of peace” (Catechism 2310).

There are some actions that we as “Civilians” do not need to know about, are blessed to not know about, actions that protect us all and our freedoms, our lives, and those of future generations to come.

That being said, such people who wish to remain free from having to know should support you who not only know but regularly risk your lives for all of “us.”

I have traveled to many places in the United States and have been privileged to meet and interact with many people. I have been Blessed that the vast Majority of the people I meet are veterans, know veterans, are serving currently or have a family member or friend who are serving in our Armed Forces or Police Forces. I am well pleased to report to you our Military and Veterans that the vast Majority of the people that I meet are Honored to live in our Country and very proud of you all; any others I do not recall because I mentally block them out.

Peace be with you always.

Fr. John W. Martin

Fr. John W. Martin is a Roman Catholic Priest for the Catholic Diocese of Ft. Worth, Texas and the Pastor of St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church in Pilot Point TX. Blessed to live in a town where people love and appreciate our Country, our Military, and our Police Officers. “If I may speak for our residents we appreciate our active duty Military and all that they and our veterans do and have done for us. No matter what anyone says we know that at some time in our past someone, many, freely gave up their lives or risked them greatly for our freedoms.”


